Law on Equality (LAW no. 5 12/2/2018)

1. Equality: Equal Rights in every aspect of life, regardless sexual orientation, ethic, men, women and so forth.

2. I am a woman.

3. Equal salary between all genders. More women in top positions and in the politics (good example: Rwanda)

4. Changing policies.

Create Quotes.

Face that men have more benefits (in corporations/politics) than women have for too long. There has to be a change on people’s mentality about it.

“What has been learned can be re-learned”.

§ 1. The enjoyment of rights and freedoms shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as national origins, race, gender or sexual orientation.

§ 2. Any employer must pay men and women the same wage as regards all elements and conditions of wage, for work that is the same or of equal value.

§ 3. Boards of corporations must contain at least 40 % women.