Giv mig retten til selv at bestemme, hvornår jeg vil dø, ligesom i Holland.
Det er ikke privatliv, når 112 reddere altid skal give hjertemassage, ligegyldigt om patienten ønsker privatlivets fred.
§ 1. En læge kan udføre aktiv dødshjælp såfremt lægen ud fra en lægefaglig vurdering er:
1) overbevist om, at patientens anmodning var frivillig og velovervejet.
2) overbevist om, at patientens lidelser var vedvarende og ubærlige.
Stk. 2 Ud over de i stk. 1 nævnte skal lægen:
1) have informeret patienten om patientens situation og om patientens udsigter.
2) sammen med patienten være overbevist om, at der ikke var nogen anden fornuftig løsning på den situation patienten var i.
3) have konsulteret mindst én anden uafhængig læge, som har set patienten og skriftligt givet hans mening til kende om de gældende krav til omhyggelig og samvittighedsfuld handlemåde, som det fremgår af ovenstående punkter.
4) have bragt et liv til ophør eller assisteret med selvmord under udvisning af omsorg og fornøden omhu.
Law on Active Death Assistance Act (Law no. 86 of 03/03/2018)
§ 1. A physician may perform active death assistance provided that the physician is based on a medical assessment:
1) convinced that the patient’s request was voluntary and considered.
2) convinced that the patient’s suffering was persistent and unbearable.
Para. 2 In addition to those in para. 1 mentioned, the doctor must:
1) have informed the patient about the patient’s situation and about the patient’s prospects.
2) together with the patient, be convinced that there was no other reasonable solution to the situation the patient was in.
3) have consulted at least one other independent physician who has seen the patient and in writing give his opinion of the applicable requirements for careful and conscientious action, as stated in the above paragraphs.
4) have brought a life to an end or assisted with suicide under the expulsion of care and due care.